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5 Yoga Poses for Dealing With Period Cramps

Period cramps can be very painful for some women. While some prefer to lay in their bed and watch Netflix at that time of the month, others grab the yoga mat to perform yoga poses for period cramps to get relief from extreme pain. 

Yoga is known to be incredibly efficient at alleviating mensurational discomfort than general medication and normal exercises. However, a lot of women have no idea what yoga poses they should perform to ease period cramps. 

In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala - the leading yoga ashram in Risikesh - will tell you about 5 yoga poses to ease discomfort of period cramps. 

We encourage you to give the following yoga poses a try: 

#1 Child’s pose  

Being one of the vital yoga poses for period cramps, a child’s pose brings relaxation by flexing your reproductive organs as well as relieving tension in your central nervous system, shoulders, and neck. 

Women who are experiencing achy lower back period cramps should also perform this yoga pose it will help in opening up your hips and lower back. Here’s how to perform this yoga pose for periods.

#2 Bound angle pose 

It is common for endometrial cells (that form the uterus lining) to break down during the period and release large amounts of inflammatory prostaglandins, causing painful cramps. Bound angle yoga pose can help you deal with it! 

Also called Baddha Konasana, it soothes the digestive system and stimulates ovaries, thus, improving their reproductive health and reducing cramps. Holding the body in this pose for some time will also help women feel energized. Here’s how to do this yoga position for period cramps

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#3 Inverted leg pose 

One of the popular yoga poses for period cramps, the inverted leg pose asks women to lay their torso and head flat on the ground and their legs inverted up against a  wall. It not only helps in improving blood circulation and metabolism but also in decreasing blood pressure, boosting energy, and calming the nervous system. 

Struggling with managing turbulent mood swings during period cramps? Inverted leg pose can also help you with keeping your cool emotionally. Check out this yoga posture for cramps:

#4 Head to knee forward bend 

This yoga pose for period cramps is exactly what the name suggests. Head-to-knee-forward bend asana asks you to bend your knee, bring your sole close to the other thigh, and lower your torso while grabbing the foot. 

Although it may turn out to be difficult to perform during the period cramps, the benefit it offers is remarkable. Head-to-knee-forward bend helps women strengthen their reproductive and digestive systems; wind down anxiety, exhaustion, headaches, and cramps. 

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#5 Corpse pose 

You must relax muscles tensed after performing intense yoga poses for period cramps. The reason why we’ve included this yoga asana in our list! The corpse pose asks you to do nothing but lay on the back while keeping legs, hips, shoulders, and neck aligned and your eyes closed. 

Not only it will help women stretch out their abdomen and hips but also practice the mindfulness they are looking for to overcome menstrual pain. 

Yoga poses for period cramps 

Dealing with period cramps really is a challenging condition for women. But the aforementioned yoga poses can help in overcoming it. By performing these asanas, you can target different areas that are causing discomfort. 

We highly suggest visiting a doctor in case the pain gets worse

Got any queries to ask? Send them to and have them answered by yoga experts. 

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