About Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is a powerful practice that aims to awaken the dormant energy within you, allowing you to experience heightened awareness, deep relaxation, and spiritual transformation. Through a combination of dynamic movements, breathwork, meditation, and chanting, Kundalini yoga works to unblock energy centers in the body, promoting physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, Kundalini yoga offers a unique and profound way to tap into your full potential and live a more vibrant life. Embrace the opportunity to explore and enhance the depths of your being with Kundalini yoga teacher training certification course.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Certification Course

Embark on a 24 days transformative journey with our fully residential Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program in Rishikesh, India. Dive deep into the ancient practice of Kundalini Yoga, learning powerful techniques to awaken your inner energy and unlock your true potential. Our comprehensive Kundalini Yoga training course covers asanas, pranayama, meditation, mantra chanting, and the philosophy of Kundalini Yoga. Immerse yourself in this life-changing experience under the guidance of experienced Kundalini Yoga instructors. Join us in Rishikesh to discover the path to self-discovery and spiritual growth through Kundalini Yoga teacher training certification course.


200 hours YTT Course Recognition

Ekattva Yogshala is registered with the Yoga Alliance as RYS200. Our 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program in Rishikesh is recognized by the Yoga Alliance. Upon successful completion of the yoga course, you will be eligible to apply for Yoga Alliance RYT200.

View our Yoga Alliance profile

In Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program, students delve into various topics to deepen their understanding of this transformative practice. The curriculum typically covers the philosophy and origins of Kundalini Yoga, the concept of the chakras and subtle energy systems, breathwork techniques such as pranayama, specific kriyas (yoga sets) designed to target different areas of the body, meditation practices, mantras, and the role of the Kundalini energy in spiritual awakening. Additionally, students learn how to create and lead Kundalini Yoga classes, exploring ways to sequence kriyas and incorporate other elements to create a holistic and uplifting experience for their future students.

Kundalini Yoga TTC Curriculum

Philosophy of Yoga

Yoga philosophy forms the foundational teachings in yoga teacher training programs. Students delve into ancient texts like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita to understand the principles guiding yogic practices. Concepts such as the eight limbs of yoga, including ethics, self-discipline, physical postures, breath control, sensory withdrawal, concentration, meditation, and ultimately, self-realization, are explored in depth. The philosophy emphasizes not just the physical aspect of yoga, but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, providing a comprehensive framework for personal development and profound transformation. Through studying these philosophical underpinnings, aspiring yoga teachers gain insight into the rich heritage of yoga and learn how to integrate these timeless teachings into their own practice and teaching methodologies.

Yoga Anatomy

In our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program in Rishikesh, students delve into the essential aspects of yoga anatomy. Topics covered include skeletal and muscular systems, the role of breath in movement, alignment principles for asanas, and the benefits of understanding anatomy for injury prevention and effective cueing during classes. Through detailed study and hands-on application, students gain a comprehensive understanding of how anatomy influences the practice of yoga.

Kundalini Asanas

Kundalini yoga incorporates specific postures aimed at awakening the dormant energy within the body. These postures, known as asanas, are designed to channel the flow of energy through the chakras to achieve spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Some common kundalini postures include Cat-Cow, Camel Pose, and Frog Pose. Practicing these postures regularly can help release tension, increase flexibility, and promote overall well-being. It is essential to approach these postures with mindfulness and respect for the powerful energy they can unleash.

Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini meditation is a powerful practice that aims to awaken the dormant energy located at the base of the spine. Through specific techniques such as breathwork, chanting, and visualization, practitioners can stimulate the flow of this vital energy, leading to a profound spiritual awakening and heightened state of consciousness. Kundalini meditation is said to unlock inner potential, increase self-awareness, and promote emotional balance. It is recommended for those seeking a deeper connection to themselves and a greater understanding of the universe.

Chakra Awakening

Through guided sessions and immersive practices, students explore the subtle energy centers within the body to unlock a deeper understanding of self and achieve a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration as we open the pathways to spiritual growth and self-realization through Kundalini yoga driven chakra awakening.

Kundalini Mantras

Kundalini Mantras are sacred sounds that are believed to activate the powerful spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine. These mantras, when chanted or listened to with reverence and concentration, are thought to awaken the dormant Kundalini energy, leading to spiritual enlightenment and inner transformation. Incorporating Kundalini mantras into your daily practice can help purify the mind, balance the chakras, and enhance overall well-being. Experience the profound effects of Kundalini mantras as you delve deeper into the rich tradition of yoga and spirituality.

Kundalini yoga is not the only style we teach. Check out Hatha yoga teacher training!

Kundalini Yoga TTC Pricing & inclusions

Join the most comprehensive Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Certification program in Rishikesh for only US$ 1349

Kundalini yoga teacher training course fee includes:

  • One time pick-up from nearest airport/railway or bus station

  • Vedic Ceremonies

  • Private room accommodation with attached bath and balcony

  • Morning drink, breakfast, lunch, evening drink & snacks, and dinner. All meals are strictly vegetarian. Option for Vegan available on demand.

  • Study material and Yoga props

  • Ganga walks & ourdoor sessions

  • Rishikesh sites visit

  • 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Certification

Option for shared room on twin sharing basis is available for US$ 999.

Are you ready to embark on your Yoga journey?

We have a new YTTC group starting on the 2nd of every month. Click the reservation button below to select your date option and submit registration form.

Transform your life 🪷

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Ask more details before you confirm your participation and deposit fee for the seat block. Send us your specific 200 hours yoga teacher training questions by submitting this form or ask for a call back.

Our team of yoga teachers and trainers are here to help you make an informed YTT decision!