Desk yoga for corporate professionals: Basics and 8 Simple Poses

8 hours a day… That’s how long many of us spend glued to our office chairs while continuously locking horns with screen fatigue and growing aches in our lower backs. Enough to make anyone yearn for a break, right? But hey, what if we tell you that you can actually bring a well-being dose right to your cube? *Enter desk yoga*

Yes, read that right! Yoga possesses the power to stretch, strengthen, and de-stress. It can be your knight in shining armor against the menace of your desk job. But where to even begin? Don’t worry, we are here to help you out!  

In this blog, Ekattva Yogshala - the best yoga school in Rishikesh - will discuss the magic of yoga for busy professionals. Not only will we tell you about the essential basics but also introduce you to 10 simple poses you can do right at your workstation. In fact, we will also tell you about an online program designed for the desk-bound warrior in the end. 

Let’s start! 

What are Basics of Performing Yoga Desk? 

Janey Mack once said, “You can’t win the game if you don’t know the rules.” The same is true for desk yoga. Here, your steady foot and cautiousness are a grasp of the basics. Here are some things to keep in mind before starting to practice yoga and transforming your office table into mini studio: 

- Listen to body: Remember, this isn’t a competition. Move gently and comfortably. Stop if you feel any pain while performing a pose. 

- Focus on breath: breathe deeply and evenly throughout each pose. Inhale as you open your body. Exhale as you release tension.

- Maintain proper posture: Always sit tall with your shoulders relaxed and spine elongated during each yoga pose. Engage your core muscles for stability. 

- Small movements, big benefits: Never, we repeat, never underestimate the power of gentle stretches. Our yoga experts believe that minor movements can make a big difference. 

- Find zen space: Clear some clutter from your desk before creating a dedicated yoga zone. You can also add a comfy cushion for comfy support. 

What are Simple Yoga Poses to Perform on a Desk? 

Got a hang of basics? Great! Now it’s time to explore poses that you can incorporate into your workday. Remember, these are meant to be gentle stretches. So, focus on mindful movement and avoid pushing yourself to the point of discomfort:

#1 Neck rolls 

Spending long hours while hunched over a computer can wreak havoc on your neck. That’s why our first desk pose is gentle neck rolls. These can help ease tension and improve flexibility. Sit tall with your shoulders relaxed. Then slowly roll your head in a circular motion. Five times forward and five times backward. 

#2 Seated Cat-cow

Also called Upavistha Bitilasana Marjaryasana, seated cat-cow pose targets your spine and core. In order to perform it, you need to sit with your feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your thighs and inhale. As you do this, arch your back, lift your chin, and gaze upwards like a happy cow. 

Now, exhale. Make sure to round your back, tuck your chin, and gently press your gaze toward your navel like a relaxed cat. Repeat the desk pose for 5-10 breaths.

#3 Seated eagle arms 

Want to improve the posture of your upper trunk while removing stress from the shoulders and lower neck region? Seated eagle arms yoga pose for office desk is made for you! All you need to do is sit tall on your workstation chair and extend your arms straight out to your sides. Make sure palms are facing down.  

Now, bend your elbows, bringing your forearms up parallel to the floor. Cross your right arm over your left forearm. You can hook your hands together (if possible). Gently lift your arms overhead until you feel stretch in your shoulders. Keep holding the position for 5 breaths. Repeat on the other side afterward. 

Recommended reading: 

8 yoga poses to improve memory and concentration 

6 powerful hand mudras for meditation

7 yoga poses for stress and anxiety relief 

Morning meditation for motivation: 6 yoga practices 

#4 Seated twist 

We bet you’ve already guessed what our next desk yoga pose is going to be about. For those who haven’t, let us tell you that seated twist asana will give your torso a gentle twist to improve mobility and circulation. This time, however, you need to sit tall with your feet flat on the floor to perform a seated twist. 

Place your left hand on your right knee and reach your right arm back, placing your palm on your work desk chair or sofa behind you for support. Once you get the hold, gently twist your torso to the right, looking over your shoulder. Hold for 5 breaths. 

#5 Wrist and finger stretches 




Ah, that continuous typing in the office must be exhausting. Your fingers must feel like they’ve run a marathon, right? Ekattva Yogshala believes that combatting repetitive typing motions is important for desk workers. That’s why our next recommendation is to do wrist and finger stretches on your office table!   

Sit tall with your arms extended in front of you, palms facing down. Gently bend your wrists back, feeling the stretch in your forearms. Hold 5 breaths. Done? Now, interlace your fingers and extend your arms straight out in front of you. Ensure palms are facing away. Gently pull back on your fingers with your other hand. Basically, creating a stretch in your wrists and palms. Hold this position for some seconds. 

#6 Desk forward fold 

Okay, this next desk yoga pose on our list will help you lengthen your spine and hamstrings. It’s called a desk forward fold asana. To perform it, first, stand facing your desk and place your hands flat on the surface, shoulder-width apart. Next, keep your feet hip-width apart and step back slightly. Lengthen your spine as you hinge at your hips and fold forward from your torso. 

Let your head hang loosely and breathe IN and OUT deeply. For those performing desk forward fold for the very first time, we recommend holding for 5-10 breaths. 

#7 Seated crescent moon 

Another amazing yoga asana to perform at your office desk! Seated crescent moon can help men and women improve balance and core strength. Sit straight, with your feet flat on the floor. Raise your arms overhead. Make certain that they reach for the ceiling with your fingertips interlaced. Now, lean to one side, keeping your hips square. 

We bet you’ll feel a stretch along the side of your body. Once you’re done, repeat it on the other side. 

#8 Ankle circles 

Our list will only be considered complete by talking about Ankle circles. Working straight for long hours at your office desk can make your ankle stiff. It can reduce circulation due to prolonged immobility. But with easy and simple poses like ankle circles, you can fix both concerns.  

Sit tall with your feet flat on the office chair. Slowly rotate your right ankle clockwise for 5 circles. Then repeat counter-clockwise. Perform the same asana on your left ankle as well!

Yoga at Office Desk: Final Words

There you go! 

We told you about some of the best desk yoga poses to perform whenever you find time during work hours. All you need is to be consistent. Even a few minutes of practicing these throughout your workday can significantly improve your posture, reduce tension, and leave you feeling more energized and focused. 

In case you're struggling with performing asanas and need assistance, consider joining Ekattva Yogshala’s online yoga from everyone retreat. Our program can be worthwhile for office workers. It will allow them to incorporate rejuvenating sessions, right from the comfort of their desk. 

So what are you waiting for, guys? Take a break, stretch it out, and find your inner yogi! 

Got any queries to ask? Send them to and have them answered by our yoga experts.


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