Heart Opening Yoga Poses for Beginners: Complete List

The concept of opening your heart holds a special essence in the journey of holistic well-being. Just as a flower unfurls its petals to embrace the sun, men and women too can cultivate a sense of openness and compassion through yoga. The practice will not only nurture the physical body but also touches the core of emotional and spiritual selves. 

For newcomers to the realm of yoga, the array of poses can be overwhelming. It often leaves them uncertain about where to begin. Fear not, Ekattva Yogshala - the leading yoga academy of India -  is here to guide you! 

In this blog, we will share a comprehensive compilation of heart-opening yoga poses. Not only will these invigorate your body but also gently encourage your heart to expand, fostering a deeper connection with you and the world around. 

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

As you arch your chest upward and gaze skyward in Cobra pose, you're symbolically opening your heart to new experiences. This asana stimulates the Anahata (heart) chakra which promotes feelings of love and compassion. Physically, it stretches the front body, enhancing flexibility in the spine and shoulders while strengthening the back muscles.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) 

The gentle lift of the hips in Bridge pose signifies a bridge between your heart and mind. This asana activates the heart center, fostering emotional balance and inner harmony. Men and women can also perform it to stretch their chest, neck, and spine. Additionally, it can bridge pose can alleviate stress and anxiety while improving spine flexibility.

Camel Pose (Ustrasana) 

In Camel Pose, the heart center is fully exposed. This allows for vulnerability and emotional release. It energizes the heart chakra, encouraging self-acceptance and empathy. When it comes to physical benefits, the camel pose is known for opening the chest, shoulders, and quadriceps while promoting better digestion and lung capacity.

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Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Of course, you guys have already guessed what this yoga pose is going to be about by the name. As one arches back and lifts their heart in Fish Pose, they symbolize the courage to embrace challenges with an open heart. This asana stimulates the throat and heart chakras, enhancing communication and self-expression. 

It also stretches the chest and throat muscles while improving spinal flexibility and posture.

Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

With the heart reaching toward the ground in uttana shishoasna, men and women cultivate a sense of surrender and humility. This pose gently opens the heart and shoulders, releasing tension in these areas. It's a variation of downward-facing dog asana that allows for deeper stretching of the spine, shoulders, and chest.

Thread the Needle Pose (Parsva Balasana) 

Thread the Needle pose asks a practitioner to thread his arm through a "needle," symbolizing the release of emotional knots and blockages. It provides a deep stretch to the shoulders, chest, and upper back. Put simply, it improves flexibility and mobility. Yoga experts also say that it’s a wonderful way to release tension stored in the heart area.

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Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana) 

Of course, our list of yoga poses for opening heart will be considered incomplete without discussing the sphinx pose. Also called Salama Bhujangasana, it represents the mythical creature that guards ancient treasures. Here, the treasure is your open heart! By performing it, you can activate your heart chakra as well as promote self-love and compassion. 

Men and women can perform it regularly to strengthen their spine, stretch the chest, and alleviate lower back discomfort.

Above are some of the best heart-opening yoga poses for beginners to perform in 2023. Remember, the journey of yoga is not just about performing poses but also the intention and mindfulness you bring into your practice. By embracing these asanas, you can open your heart not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually. 

Got any queries to ask? Send them to info@spiritualpunditz.com and have them answered by our yoga experts. 

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